Houstons, We Have a Problem
Meet Aileen and Clare, the two sisters with absolutely nothing in common.
Join them each week as they discuss just how different they are and how they help each other navigate life’s up and downs, from two opposite perspectives.
One is married with children, the other is single and childfree and together they talk about an array of topics, from Motherhood and timekeeping to on-line dating and procrastination.
Through all life’s issues, they try to find the funny side because… if you don’t laugh, you’ll cry!
Houstons, We Have a Problem
Ride or Die
Join Aileen and Clare this week for an episode about a subject that they have wanted to talk about for quite some time...their childhood.
Things get a little emotional as they talk about their childhood trauma's and the effects this has had on both of them in their adult lives.
Please feel free to contact us by email at wehaveaproblemhoustons@gmail.com or on Instagram @houstonswehaveaproblem
Logo Artwork by the amazingly talented @cmgartwrite
Music by Sergio Prosvirini from Pixabay
The views, information or opinions expressed in this podcast are solely the views of the individuals involved and by no means represent absolute facts. Opinions expressed by the hosts/guests can change at any time.
The "Houstons, We have a Problem" podcast also do not provide any medical or professional advice. Anything said should NOT be taken as a replacement for medical, clinical, professional advice, diagnosis or medical intervention.